
#22 Explore eBooks and Audio eBooks

For this Thing, you will explore where you can get free ebooks and get an idea of the types of titles you can find here. Take a look around and locate a few titles of interest. Many libraries -- including the CSM Library -- have audiobook and ebook collections, so check what they have in their collections. Start first at the CSM Library! Audiobooks are popular for ELL and Special Education students, as well as commuters who enjoy a good story during a long ride. There are a number of commercial audiobook and ebook sources.

Discovery Exercise:
  1. Explore World EBook Fair' site for FREE downloads from the Gutenberg Project. Also just explore the site - there's much to check out.

  2. Create a blog post about your findings.

Discovery Resources:

  • LibriVox, audiobook versions of copyright-free books from the Gutenberg Project. Read by volunteers. Started in August 2005 by Hugh McGuire. Check it out!

  • Check out "Best Places to Get Free Books".
NEXT UP: You made it! #23 Summarize Your Thoughts